RSS feeds

Stay in the loop with the latest CDIC updates by subscribing to our RSS feeds.

Our RSS feeds will allow you to access the latest legislation and by-law updates, as well as news releases, speeches and articles added to our website at your own convenience.

Available Feeds

What is RSS?

Real Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution in real time. You can select the type of news and information that you wish to receive. In order to receive desired feeds, you will have to download or purchase an RSS Reader.

RSS feeds differ from an email subscription. You will not have to provide personal information (such as an email address) to subscribe to an RSS feed.

How to subscribe

Some web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox have a built-in RSS feed reader. To subscribe using these browsers, you can click on the RSS icon to see the feed. The feed will be automatically added to the Favorites Center in your browser.

Some web browsers do not have a feed reader embedded and you will need to install a feed reader. Once a feed reader is installed, follow these steps to subscribe to the feed of your choice:

  • Using your mouse, right click on the RSS feed you would like to subscribe to.
  • The pop-up menu that appears will vary based on your web browser.
  • In the pop-up menu, select the “Copy Link Address” or “Copy Link Location” option.
  • Launch your feed reader and paste the copied URL into an “Add New Feed” window.

If you are downloading the RSS feed reader for the first time, most readers usually carry step-by-step instructions on how to add new feeds to the reader application. When new items are published to the CDIC website, you will be alerted through a small pop-up window by your reader.

Where to get an RSS feed reader?

There are various RSS feed readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet.

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