Brochures, signage and other requirements

As a Member Institution of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), you must provide information to your depositors about CDIC’s deposit protection. This page sets out the information you must make available or display to depositors in your institution and on the web.
The display requirements are set out in the Deposit Insurance Information By-law (DIIB), which aims to increase depositor awareness about CDIC deposit protection. The DIIB also aims to ensure Canadians receive accurate and timely information about deposit insurance from their financial institution.
Please consult the Deposit Insurance Information By-Law Information Bulletin (PDF, 408 KB) for assistance in how to meet the By-law requirements.
The following is a list of products available for download and recommended usage guidelines.
Display requirements for brochures
1. Brochure for display in place of business
CDIC requires members to prominently display physical copies of the Protecting Your Deposits brochure in each place of business.
This is what the brochure looks like:

- Download Protecting Your Deposits brochure (English)
- Download Protecting Your Deposits brochure (French)
Ordering information
We have an online platform which is available to authorized representatives at each of our member institutions. To order, please contact the representative who is responsible for placing orders on behalf of your financial institution. If you’re not sure who your representative is, please contact your Compliance Team.
2. Abbreviated brochure for provision at account opening
CDIC requires members to provide the abbreviated brochure to depositors at the same time and in the same manner as the account opening documents.
Display requirements for membership signs
CDIC member institutions are required to display information about CDIC membership and deposit protection at their physical place(s) of business. For further information, please consult the Deposit Insurance Information By-Law Information Bulletin (PDF, 408 KB).
This is what the membership sign looks like:
Membership signs need to be made available in the following places:
1. Membership sign for display at entrances
Membership sign decals must be displayed prominently at a member institution’s entrance. Here we have provided you with guidelines to assist in the installation process.
- Membership sign installation guidelines (PDF, 237 KB)
- Membership sign for display at entrances – English first (EPS, 1.7 MB)
- Membership sign for display at entrances – French first (EPS, 1.7 MB)
Note: EPS files are only for use by members wishing to produce their own membership sign (decal).
Ordering information
We have an online platform which is available to authorized representatives at each of our member institutions. To order, please contact the representative who is responsible for placing orders on behalf of your financial institution. If you’re not sure who your representative is, please contact your Compliance Team.
2. Membership sign for display indoors
A sign containing the names of the members that belong to the same corporate group, and that do business at that place of business, must be prominently displayed within each place of business. This would include the parent entity and all subsidiary members that operate out of that place of business. The sign must be visible from the main customer areas of the place of business during business hours. This requirement can be met either electronically on screens (e.g. on rolling displays on screens/monitors) or by displaying a physical sign within each place of business.
Member institutions are to create their own digital or physical sign which must contain the CDIC membership sign. CDIC’s membership sign can be downloaded in a variety of formats:
Example of membership sign


3. Signage for member-branded ATMs
Member-branded ATMs that accept deposits must also display CDIC signage. ATM signs look identical to the membership sign:
The CDIC display requirement may be met by displaying the digital sign (e.g., on the ATM screen or on a digital display above the ATM) or by using the image to develop a physical sign for ATM display purposes.
Where a member prints the ATM sign for physical display, the color and proportions of the original must be retained and its contents must remain clearly visible and legible.
Note: When displaying the digital sign, there is no requirement for it to contain a hyperlink, or to otherwise be interactive.
Download the CDIC sign for ATMs (English first)
Download the CDIC sign for ATMs (French first)
4. CDIC digital symbol for display on websites and apps
A member must display a CDIC symbol on its website(s) and app(s) in order to help consumers identify the entity as a CDIC member and to provide consumers with easy access to important CDIC information. CDIC has developed a digital symbol which fulfills the function of both the CDIC digital membership sign and badge (as required by sections 5 and 7 of the By-law).
For greater certainty, a member institution that chooses to use the CDIC digital symbol in place of the CDIC membership sign and / or badge on its electronic platforms, including on the homepage of its website, while fulfilling all other requirements, will be considered as meeting the online display requirements pursuant to the By-law.
Please note that only CDIC member institutions and CDIC (and its permitted assigns) are permitted to display the CDIC (a) digital membership sign, (b) digital badge, and (c) digital symbol.
Members must ensure that the location and manner in which the CDIC digital membership sign, digital badge and digital symbol are displayed does not give the impression that a non-member is a CDIC member institution or that a deposit that is not eligible for deposit protection is eligible to be insured by CDIC. A member that shares its home page with a non-member is prohibited from displaying the digital symbol, digital membership sign and/ or digital badge on the member’s home page. Moreover, when advertising products that are offered through a trade name, the manner of advertising should not give the impression that the trade name is a separate CDIC member or that the product is offered by a separate CDIC member.
The following instructions are for member institutions wishing to apply the new digital symbol. If your organization continues to employ the digital membership sign and badge and is experiencing technical difficulty, please contact us at
To implement the CDIC digital symbol on your website or app, download the desired format from the list below and link to the following content relevant to CDIC deposit protection:
Download the CDIC digital symbol for display on websites and apps:
Download the bilingual digital symbol, English first | Download the bilingual digital symbol, French first |
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For any technical assistance, please contact and a member of our team will be pleased to assist you.
OPTIONAL: It is possible for CDIC’s website to automatically detect which institution a consumer is coming from when the CDIC symbol is clicked on, and for the CDIC page to display the name of the CDIC member institution and confirm membership. This additional functionality customizes the CDIC website experience for the visitor while reinforcing the referring website as a CDIC member. Contact us at to enable this optional functionality.